2 cups sifted flour
1/2 tsp salt
4tsp baking powder
1 egg
1/2 cup warm water
oil for frying
This is where you can add sugar, seeds or whatever flavorings you would like or just keep it plain.
Add egg and warm tap water to flour mixture. Mix together till it forms a soft slightly sticky ball.
Knead lightly on floured board till dough is soft and easy to roll out, add small amounts of flour if needed so it is not so sticky.
cut dough into any shape you would like or tear pieces off and flatten. Place a slit in the center of each piece so it will cook all the way through.
Place 2 or 3 pieces in hot oil and fry until golden brown on each side. Do not turn your oil up really high, it will fry to fast and burn. If oil is to low it will be greasy bread. Medium high heat is fine.
Remove each piece and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar or glaze or leave it plain and add butter and jelly.
This is the finished product ready to eat, enjoy.
Bread can be placed in ziploc and reheated the next day in Microwave
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